Release date
Release date: 16/03/2023
Valid through
Valid through: 06/09/2026
First release date
First release date: 16/03/2023
PDT® Digital certificate on blockchain
Released to:
Newster System S.r.l.PDT® - It is a registered trademark owned by IQC srl. PDT certification is a process of analysis, detection and subsequent digital representation of the results, referring to organizations, processes, products and people. The PDT® certification with Blockchain technology makes visible, where possible with digital detection, the state of things in support of performance statements.
Click here for further information about the certification PDT® Life Cycle AssessmentCerasolo di Coriano
Newster Group è uno dei leader europei nella produzione e commercializzazione di apparecchiature certificate e brevettate che offrono risposte ecologiche per risolvere i problemi legati all'igiene ospedaliera con una gamma di prodotti in grado di soddisfare tutte le esigenze sanitarie per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti. Newster prepara progetti in partnership con organizzazioni internazionali, Università e strutture ospedaliere al fine di risolvere i problemi legati al trattamento dei rifiuti sanitari infettivi nelle strutture sanitarie legate alle emergenze umanitarie.
EPI value saved due to product end-of-life phase (each unit corresponds to an individual's annual environmental impact)
Monitoring start date: 29/06/2021
Release date: 16/03/2023
Valid through: 06/09/2026
First release date: 16/03/2023
Obtains this PDT® digital certificate the organization that has quantified the environmental impacts of a product, process, or service through a life cycle study (Life Cycle Assessment - LCA) and provides for the initial and periodic monitoring of potential environmental impacts during the entire lifetime, as declared in the PDT® digital certificate issued in Blockchain by IQC srl
To highlight the contribution of the Company to the sustainable development, relating the informative management of the environmental performances of the own product/process/service with environmental claims and the characteristics declared in the PDT® digital certificate. The continuos and discreet detection of the revelant information allow the trackability, the evolution monitoring and the assurance of inalterability and immutability of the characteristics declared in the PDT® digital certificate in Blockchain.
The study was conducted with an LCA approach that complies withe the standards:
Università Politecnica delle Marche - Life and Environmental Sciences (DISVA)
Environmental sustainability of the sterilizer NW50 life for the hospital solid waste management by Newster System srl.
The software used for data collection is Thinkstep Gabi Professional, combined with the Database for Life Cycle Engineering. The method selected for the analysis is EF 3.0, including all the environmental categories, recommended models at midpoint, together with their indicators, units and sources.
The present analysis aims at the environmental sustainability assessment of two steps of the Newster sterilizer (NW50): the manufacturing and the end-of-life.
The NW50 has been chosen for the analysis since it is the bestselling model.
System boundaries considered for the LCA:
The functional unit selected for the analysis is a NW50 sterilizer, corresponding to 2315 kg of equipment.
The present report estimated load due to the phases of manufacturing and end-of-life of the sterilizer NW50, produced by Newster System srl. Overall, the LCA proved that the main composing materials, steel and aluminium, represent the weaknesses (for the high impact due to the mining and production) but also the strenghts thanks to their recycling potential, able to balance the environmental load of the equipment manufacturing.
The results show that the environmental benefit is able to balance around 60% of the impact due to manufacturing.
1 General Aspects
1.1 Objective of the present LCA
1.2 LCA scope, system boundaries and functional unit
2 Life cycle inventory
3 Life Cycle Impact Assesment (LCIA)
3.1 Classification and characterization
3.2 Normalization and weighing
4 Conclusions